Friday, February 21, 2025
Photo Gallery
Webindia123 Photo Submission - Terms & Conditions


Entries must be submitted by the original photographer. Do not submit a photo taken by someone other than yourself. You must be the sole owner of the copyright of any image submitted. Copyright remain with the photographer.


By entering the Contest, all entrants grant an irrevocable, perpetual, worldwide non-exclusive license to reproduce, distribute, display and create derivative works of the entries on the website and all its subdomains without any notification, permission or any fee or other form of compensation. Photos will be credited to the photographer. The best photos may be published on social networking platforms such as Google plus, facebook, twitter etc. of and its subdomains.


1. Image requirements for submission


Image format : JPEG
Maximum Image Size : 1024 pixels Width

2. Images that are submitted are published only after review by our moderator. 


This is a monthly photography contest, open to all users and all skill levels. Please note that the participant must be an Indian Resident above 18 years.

1. Participants can submit photos from the beginning of the month. The winner will be announced by early next month.

2. Winners are determined by popular vote of viewers. Viewers can vote by clicking on the 'vote' symbol below the photograph chosen, from the contesting photo gallery. The photo which gets more votes will win the contest in the particular month.

3. Contest participants can submit only one photo per contest. The photo submitted should be your own. Please avoid submitting adult / violent content. Watermarks and Photoshop allowed. Once you have posted an image, please do not change it.

4. Image requirements for submission

Image format : JPEG
Maximum Image Size : 1024 pixels Width

5.  Images that are submitted are published only after review by our moderator. 

6. We encourage you to submit notes regarding your photo while submitting, so the voters can have an in depth view. But the description should be limited to not more than 4 to 5 sentences.

7. If you find any difficulty in uploading photos, please contact


The monthly contest winner will receive a Certificate of Excellence.

Are you ready to win the contest?